Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Diet Pills: Your guide to Weightloss

The body you want is covered by a thin layer of fat, this is where diet pills come in handy. When combined with a calorie-restricted diet, you will lose those dreaded last pounds of fat.

Thermogenics are what we'll focus on. Thermogenics work by raising the temperature of the body, thus burning calories. Studies have shown that thermogenics are best used in short periods of time, such as a 2-5 week cycle. When choosing thermogenics I like to pick stimulant-free versions because I don't enjoy the jitters I like to sleep at night sometimes :D

Check these brands out (you can use the amazon toolbar search!):

Driven Sports Lean Xtreme
Controlled Labs REDuction PM
MAN Vaporize

However, if you enjoy the extra added energy that a stimulant-based thermogenic gives you:

USPlabs OxyELITE Pro
Muscletech Hydroxycut Hardcore Pro Series
Nutrex Lipo 6

Remember these diet pills will not work the magic they're intended for unless you you are also on a calorie-restricted diet.

Monday, 11 April 2011

The Medifast Weightloss Diet and Jenny Craig

The Medifast Diet has been around for 25 years and is proven to work. Previously it was available only by doctors prescription. These tasty meals are pre-made for you to save you time, so you don't have to worry about making healthy choices!


Jenny Craig weightloss program is very similar to the medifast , but offers a few extra features such as a 24 hour phone line. Both options Medifast, and Jenny Craig, will kick-start you into a healthier lifestyle.


Bodybuilding Supplements I ACTUALLY USE! (and that work :D )

1) Controlled Labs Orange Triad (multivitamin +joint support)
2) Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey (whey protein taken post workout)
3) Costco brand Omega 3 Fish Oil (Heart, joint, and brain health!)
4) Controlled Labs Purple Wraath (Branched chain amino acids+essential amino acids...remember what I said about amino acids?)

Order of importance:
1) Omega 3
2) Multivitamin
3) Protein Powder
4) Amino Acids

Other REPUTABLE companies that I recommend:

Gaspari Nutrition
Allmax Nutrition

Sunday, 10 April 2011

All About Protein...

Protein is an essential nutrient for the body and is used in host of important functions such as the building of hair, skin, nails, internal organs, as well as muscle tissue. Protein is broken down as amino acids, which are building blocks of the body and are essential to muscle growth and repair.

The first thing to consider are the different forms of protein: Egg, Soy, and Milk. The latter being the most biologically available (most effective in creating new body tissue), therefore we will focus mainly milk protein.

Milk is comprised of about 20% whey protein and 80% casein. You can take either in supplement form, however they have both have different uses in a bodybuilder's diet.

Whey digests faster (40 minutes) therefore it is ideal to take when it is needed immediately, such as soon after a workout or cardio session. Casein digests relatively slowly (7 hours) therefore it wouldn't be of much use after a workout, casein protein can be used before bed to combat protein breakdown.

Whey itself can be broken down into two parts: Whey Concentrate and Whey Isolate.
The difference being concentrate is not a pure form of whey, it includes some lactose as well as some fat. Therefore if you suffer from lactose intolerance, you may want to steer clear of whey concentrate.

Whey isolate is a very pure form of whey, containing 95%-100% whey with no fat or lactose. This makes isolate a very popular option amongst gym-goers to take post-workout.

My Goal for this Blog :D

You have been fed lies by a largely unregulated supplement industry. Dishonest supplement companies have mastered a plethora of deceptive marketing techniques, some of which include:

1)Misrepresenting "clinical studies"
2)False endorsements which promise perfection
3)Media distortion and false advertisement

And my favorite...

4) Hiding the ingredients you pay for under the label "proprietary blend"  

The implications we can draw off this last point are innumerable. It allows supplement companies to hide the fact that their formula contains very little active ingredient, therefore you buy can creatine pills in an effort to gain mass when in reality you just bought a $50 tub of rice flour!

How does one decipher the BS you've been fed from legitimate products that work?

That's where my blog comes in! I've spent thousands of dollars on products that didn't work and products that helped tremendously spread over years of bodybuilding and plan to use my expertise to help you find supplements that don't just promise, but DELIVER RESULTS!

We will start out basic. Over the next few posts I'll cover protein, creatine, amino acids, fat burners, pre-workout supplements and legitimate companies associated with them. As well, I will occasionally cover other aspects such as diet and routines.

Until next time....

May the aesthetics be with you.